Farm Reports: Farmer Brown Eggs

11 May 2020

Here's Angus Maurice at Gillinghall Farm near Spicers Creek, NSW, showing us the Farmer Brown Egg hens and the re-growth caused by this year's very welcome rainfall. We've been buying Farmer Brown Eggs from the Maurices since 2015 and the video below shows the transformation produced by recent rains since we last visited in September 2019.

This is what it looked like then.

Farmer Brown Sep 2019

This is what it looked like last week.

Why farm reports?

The necessary Covid isolation regime has successfully reduced the infection curve but it's also increased the sense of distance most of us already have from the sources of our food. So, after the rollercoaster of drought, fires, flood and pandemic over the last six months, we felt it was high time for all of us to re-connect with the farmers whose produce we enjoy each week. We can't go to farms at the moment so we've asked them all to do a show and tell video so we can see what's happening on the ground.

Our last road trips visiting NSW farms were in August and September 2019 when Eastern Australia was three years into the drought that many called the worst in living memory. Before the terrible fires, before some recent rain trickled into dusty creek beds and before the Pandemic forced us into our bunkers. So much has happened since September 2019 that it's easy for those of us in the cities to forget that harsh drought and the time it takes for the land to recover. Let alone understand how it must be for farms and farmers withstanding a punishing trifecta of drought, fire and the commercial impacts of COVID-19.

This year almost everyone has had some rain and it's wonderful to see green pastures and full dams and cheerful, relieved farmers celebrating the reprieve. But it's important for those of us in urban Australia to recognise that while many farmers we know are rejoicing at the recovery that a the recent rain has triggered in their ecosystems, the forecast is for more dry weather ahead.

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