Feather and Bone Lamb Ragù with Cous Cous

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21 products

    For those nights when cooking a healthy meal from scratch just isn't happening, we've made you some easy, nutritious and delicious options that aren't lukewarm, soggy takeout loaded with unpalatable ingredients.

    Relax. Here's the 'Put Your Feet Up' collection, the conscientious carnivore’s answer to healthy, fast food. 

    21 products
    Lamb Ragù Pie FAMILY
    Lamb ragu pie PAIR
    Rose Veal Goulash
    Lovely lasagne
    Marvellous Meatballs
    Lamb Shank Ragù
    Lankan Red Lamb Curry
    Organic Butter Chicken
    Salsa Verde
    Rocket, Walnut & Confit Garlic Pesto
    XO Sauce
    Tangy Tomato Ketchup
    You Beaut BBQ Sauce
    Steak butter
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