Saulsbury Sebastian: 'Best Pig in Show', 2018 Royal Easter Show

4 Apr 2018by Ms Feather

Meet 'Saulsbury Sebastian', a superb specimen of Saulsbury Berkshire pig and this year's porcine RAS star, pictured here with his proud handlers, Todd Dennett and his father-in-law, Rex Boardman flanking the RAS judge (photo courtesy of RAS).

The joy and pride in this photo and the fine figure of Sebastian himself are wonderful recognition and reward for the years of hard work and application that goes into producing such a stellar pig.

Years ago the Boardmans and the Dennetts decided to seek out the original, prize-winning bloodline of the Berkshire pigs Lisa’s forebears bred so successfully at their farm in Camden. They wanted to re-establish the lost, mixed-use family farm on the outskirts of Sydney. Many chapters later, on a different farm, but with the same skill and determination, it’s clear they’ve succeeded in their quest.

We've been lucky enough to watch this journey since 2013 and we’re so impressed with what they've achieved. We're also very proud to be the only Sydney butcher selling this excellent pork.

Read 'Looking the Animal in the Eye' in which we describe our June 2014 visit to Fairview Farm to meet the Saulsbury Berkshire pigs that were delivered to us from the abattoir the following week.

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