Frolic al fresco while saving the endangered Superb Parrot!
Help plant 6,000 parrot-friendly shrubs and trees at Moorlands Biodynamic Farm.
12-13 August / 18-24 September
The Superb Parrot is under threat and Vince Heffernan and Greening Australia, authorised by the Office of Environment and Heritage, want to increase habitat to save this gorgeous bird. They need your help.
Over twenty years, 6th generation lamb farmer Vince Heffernan, has planted tens of thousands of native trees and shrubs on Moorlands Farm, offering habitat and Spring feed to a range of species including the Superb Parrot. But more needs to be done.
This August and September, Vince needs volunteers to help plant 6,000 parrot-friendly native trees and shrubs.
It'll be hard yakka, but also a lot of fun and it's a rare chance to spend a day or two working alongside Vince, who is one of the legends of the Australian regenerative movement. Also, saving parrots from extinction is important and virtuous work that will earn you seriously good karmic credit points.
Volunteer now for a bucolic frolic!
12-13 August / 18-24 September
Photo credit: Superb parrot (Polytelis swainsonii) males byHelen Fallow/DPE
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